At Art Miami, Mark Borghi Celebrates Women Artists Who Broke the Rules

98" x 76 3/4"
acrylic on canvas
Always known for its strong blue chip and secondary market offerings, Art Miami’s 2017 edition includes a strong mini-exhibition of paintings and sculptures by women artists, all born between 1899 and 1945, titled “13 Women Who Broke All the Rules.”
Presented by Mark Borghi Fine Art, which has locations in New York City, Bridgehampton, and Palm Beach, the show was inspired in part by the 2016 Denver Art Museum exhibition “Women of Abstract Expressionism.” At the fair, Borghi had a copy of the exhibition catalogue. (Impressively, for a museum publication, it is already in its third printing.)
The booth’s showstopper is a massive Pat Lipsky (1941–) canvas called Glowing, a liquid zone of color floating on the canvas.
Lipsky’s clearly working in the tradition of Frankenthaler and her Color Field Paintings.